Membership FAQs

Lotus Flower and Bee by K.P. Wilska

Ask Us

Do you have questions about a Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge membership? Find answers in the frequently asked questions on this page. If we haven’t answered your question, please contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions

Your membership is good for one year (except in cases of special promotions). The expiration date is listed on your membership card. If you have lost your card, please email us at or call 817.932.7335 and leave a voicemail.

All levels of membership include several great benefits, including free entry for one year, invitations to members-only events, and discounted programs at the Nature Center, to name a few. Premium membership levels include additional benefits. For a list of benefits, see the membership levels chart below.

Members with a Dual membership and above can bring guests with them to the Nature Center free of charge as long as they are listed on the membership. Reference the membership levels chart below to confirm the number of people included with your membership. The individuals can be any age and do not have to be in your household. Each member will receive their own membership card, which will be mailed to your address. Guests who are not listed on your membership will need to pay the entrance fee.

If your guest is not listed on your membership, they will need to pay the entrance fee. If your membership level includes more than one person, you do not have to pay for the individuals listed on your membership. Reference the membership levels chart below to confirm the number of people included with your membership. The individuals on your membership can be any age and do not have to be in your household.

The Pack-level membership includes up to six (6) individuals of any age. The individuals do not have to be in your household. We hope this allows members to share the Nature Center with anyone of their choosing. Each member will receive their own membership card, which will be mailed to your address.

No, all membership cards are mailed to the main account holder’s address. The account holder can then distribute them to each individual member.

No, you do not have to provide all the names on your membership at the time of purchase, but to be able to enjoy the benefits of the membership, the individuals must be listed on your account. Each member will receive their own membership card, which will be mailed to your address. If you purchase a membership online, you will be instructed to contact the Nature Center directly to complete your membership registration, which will include providing birthdates, mailing addresses (if different from your address), email addresses, and phone numbers for each member on your account. This will allow everyone on the membership to register for Nature Center programs.

No, members receive free entry for their dog(s).

Yes, you can purchase a Gift Membership online by clicking on Give a Membership on the Membership page. Complete the form, including your contact information and that of the recipient(s) in the appropriate fields provided.

Yes, the online form includes an option to have the membership cards mailed to your address. You can also opt to have them mailed to your gift receipient’s address.

Yes, active and retired members of all branches of the military receive a 10% discount. Before purchasing your membership, please contact us to receive the discount code for your online payment. We can be reached at or 817.932.7335 (please leave a voicemail).

All members must stop at the entrance gate and show their membership card for entry.

Print the confirmation email you received when your payment was processed and show it to Nature Center staff at the entrance gate. If you do not have a printer or wish to be more environmentally conscious, you can show the email on your phone to staff. Each member will receive their own membership card, which will be mailed to your address.

The month of your expiration date, the Friends will remind you by email that your membership is about to expire. If you do not renew, you will receive an additional email after the expiration date notifying you that your membership has expired. Please let us know if you have changed your email address so we can update your information in our system.

If you have lost your card, please email us at or call 817.932.7335 and leave a voicemail.

If you have questions about your membership, please email us at or call 817.932.7335 and leave a voicemail.

Benefits and Levels of Membership

Reciprocal Nature Center Admissions

During your family vacations, take advantage of a Friends membership perk and enjoy what other nature centers across the country have to offer. You will receive discounted admission to most nature centers belonging to the Association of Nature Center Administrators. Just show your Friends membership card at the gate. With more than 650 ANCA member facilities, you are almost certain to find one close to your destination.