Legacy Giving

Demonstration Prairie by FWNC&R Staff


The Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge has shared the beauty of nature with our community for decades. You can help ensure the future of this incredible place for generations to come by generously considering a gift that reflects your love of nature and the splendor and benefits it provides. We hope you will include the Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge as part of your long-term estate planning. Several avenues of planned giving are available. Leave a legacy that will touch lives for years to come.

For more information or to discuss your plans, contact:

Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge

Planned Giving Options

Closeup of mottled brown Harris' Sparrow at the Fort Worth Nature Center
Harris' Sparrow by Tom George


A simple way to create a lasting legacy is to include a charitable bequest in your will. Give a stated dollar amount, percentage of your estate, remainder of the estate after distribution to other beneficiaries, or specific property. This straightforward method allows you to preserve and enjoy assets during your lifetime while protecting the gifted assets from estate taxes.
Closeup of a tendril vine in front of red and yellow leaves at the Fort Worth Nature Center
Tendril by Trinity Arts Photo Club

Beneficiary Designations

Beneficiary designations are an easy and flexible means of leaving a charitable legacy using IRAs, retirement plans, life insurance policies, commercial annuities, bank accounts, certificates of deposit, or brokerage accounts. Separate beneficiary forms filed with the issuing entity determine who receives these assets rather than being controlled by the terms of your will. The assets can be divided among recipients in any way you choose and can be modified at any time to meet your changing life needs.
Brown and orange American Lady butterfly at the Greer Island Causeway at the Fort Worth Nature Center
American Lady Butterfly by K.P. Wilska


As part of a well-crafted estate plan, charitable trusts can be a valuable arrangement when planning for the future of you and your family and your community. Trusts allow you to determine who receives your assets and when your beneficiaries can access them, shield your assets from estate taxes and court fees, and protect your assets. Examples of charitable trusts include living trusts, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable lead trusts.
Closeup of a snail in its shell at the Fort Worth Nature Center
Snail by K.P. Wilska

Fund Establishment

If you want to have a more direct impact on how your assets are used to support the Nature Center, establishing a fund with the Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge is a beneficial option for leaving a lasting legacy. Funds can be designated as field of interest, which supports a specific project of your choice, or donor-advised, which provides more involvement and flexibility to support a variety of conservation projects.