We are thrilled to announce the addition of two new Natural Resource Technicians, David Reasoner and Taylor Phillips, to our Refuge team. Their diverse backgrounds and extensive experience in parks and natural resource management make them valuable assets to the Nature Center.
David Reasoner brings more than thirteen years of experience as a park ranger to his role, specializing in grounds and facility maintenance and equipment operation. David’s expertise extends to wildlife management and invasive plant control, and he is a certified wildland firefighter (FFT1) and sawyer. His unique set of skills makes him a valuable resource in our conservation efforts. In his free time, David enjoys coaching 4-H shooting sports and volunteering for National Archery in Schools Programs (NASP). David also is an accomplished sportsman, traveling the United States with his two sons in pursuit of new and exciting hunting adventures.
Taylor Phillips, who holds a B.S. in Environmental Science from the University of North Texas and served in the U.S. Army as an Aircraft Structural Mechanic, also brings a diverse skillset to our team. With his experience in field ecology, botany, and nursery management, Taylor provides a scientific perspective on the management of the Refuge’s greenhouse and ecosystem restoration projects. Like David, Taylor also is a wildland firefighter (FFT2), giving him the skills to enhance the Nature Center’s prescribed fire program. Taylor enjoys landscaping in his free time and leading interpretive programs that reflect on environmental education and stewardship.

In their new positions as Natural Resource Technicians, David and Taylor will play key roles in managing and conserving the natural and cultural resources of our region. From conducting trail maintenance to overseeing park operations, they will work tirelessly to ensure the sustainability and accessibility of our outdoor spaces.
Please join us in welcoming David Reasoner and Taylor Phillips to our team. With their expertise and dedication, we are confident they will make significant contributions to the Nature Center and the communities we serve.